Monday, April 12, 2010

Right of Consciousness Knowledge

What is your right of consciousness?

According to Alan Cohen is his book, Relax Into Wealth, this universal right is:

"While it appears external rules govern who owns what, the prevailing law is the Right of Consciousness.

I must love it, know I deserve it and hold a vision for healthy, joyful use of it.  Then it comes to me easily.  When I am joined with something I truly feel I deserve by mental, emotional and spiritual alignment--it is mine by Universal Law.  No one can interfere.  Remember, I am under no laws but God's.  I live and love in Universal Principle here and now.  Everything I desire comes to me and stays with me by virtue of love."

With that in mind, are there things in your life not the way you wish they would be or would love them to be?  First understand you don't have to continue to experience this something.  You are not being punished.  This may not be what spirit wishes for you.  It may not be karmic retribution or nay number of beliefs you've been taught that justify you having experiences which are not loving or joyful.  Remember, there is a little word known as GRACE, that ensures you always may choose again.

Your experiences are simply an interpretation by the Laws of the Universe of what is currently the differing amalgamations of vibrations which come from you thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions, etc.  What you experience in the physical is actually the past.  In this moment you have the opportunity to see, feel, think, believe, etc. whatever you think and feel you must in order to create the output of what you would love.

I think even beyond that...and helping you out of the realm of competition and into the realm of creation...remember first and foremost you are your Spiritual, Higher Self.  In any given moment of NOW, this is your essence.  This is the way Divine Love Intelligence sees you.  Divine Love Intelligence does not confuse you with your creations and expressions.

So who you appear to be now in the physical is really no more the definitive you than who you will appear to be when you create yourself as who you currently feel you would love to be (if it is different than who you currently appear to be).  One is no more the truth of you or a whole representation of the truth of you than the other.

And let's say you have determined how you need to think, feel and be in order to create yourself to be who you feel you would love to be in physical manifestation; now you meet someone who appears to be more than you or some physical expression that you now think/feel you would like to be.  Remember:  this doesn't make them better than you or more powerful or have something you can never have, etc.  That pulls you into the realm of competition.  You want to stay in the realm of creation.

So what do you do?  Stop thinking/feeling about you the way you have been (assuming you are not producing physical experiences of you and your life in ways you feel you would love to) and start thinking/feeling about you the way you think/feel you need to in order to see you and manifest you in the physical in the new way you wish to be or with the new experiences you wish to have.

Let it all be easy.  Have fun with it.  For in truth there is no space or time.  In truth you can be, do or have anything you desire.  In truth, you are always safe and loved and blessed and beautiful and every brilliant, shining, amazing attribute your Divine Creator is.  The potential for any outcome is already and already exists inside you.  You already have it.  This is your right of consciousness.

To re-mind you:

R.O.C.K. (as I like to refer to it) in this instance is 
Right of Consciousness Knowledge

The first time I feel I was introduced to the concept in a way that really resonated with me is from Alan Cohen's book, Relax Into Wealth (click here if you are interested in checking this book out for yourself.)

I quote from the book,
"While it appears external rules govern who owns what, the prevailing law is the Right of Consciousness.
I must love it, know I deserve it and hold a vision for healthy, joyful use of it.  Then it comes to me easily.  When I am joined with something I truly feel I deserve by my mental, emotional and spiritual alignment--it is mine by Universal Law.  No one can interfere.  Remember, I am under no laws but God's.  I live and love in Universal Principle here and now.  Everything I desire comes to me and stays with me by virtue of love."

As I contemplate this truth, this knowledge truly does make each of us equal.  In each moment we are able to and have access to the full potential of Divine Love Intelligence.  With this knowledge in mind, it appears we are each just as equal and capable as the Albert Einsteins, Bill Gates, Oprahs and Dalai Lamas of the world.  This Right of Consciousness Knowledge truly evens the playing field, if we let it.

As I contemplate this truth, it seems to me there are more than a billion ways that the Universe (when we leave it free to do the part it was created to do in the manifestation process) may flow wealth of small and large amounts to us...again, if we let it.

To close then, my prayer*** for you is:
today you receive some lavish, abundant, shoots feelings of delight through every cell of your being, form of money or wealth in a fun, easy, joyful way you never thought was a way money or wealth would come to you.  Yes, here it is in your hands for your pleasurable use and enjoyment here and now.  You and this portion of your True, Divine the "hand of God's own fortune you are in Truth.  You know?  'Cuz you are created in the image of the Divine, Glorious, Loving and Giving Creator of All.

Can I get a Hallelujah?

Go forth and know you deserve prosperity (after all...all wealth is God's wealth and all of God's wealth is yours to enjoy and share).  It is easy NOW for you to flow lavish, abundant prosperity to you for your joyful use and perfect circulation.  Feel the truth of this statement in your your your your every cell of your glorious, divine being.  And you perfectly love and appreciate all the money, prosperity and lavish abundance the universe easily and joyfully flows to you in expected and unexpected ways every day.  Affirm that you now perfectly give, receive and appreciate wealth in perfect harmony with the way God/Divine Love Intelligence created you to and always intended for you to give, receive and appreciate wealth.

Walk in prosperity.
Live in prosperity.
Love in prosperity.
Be in joy in prosperity.
Be in peace with prosperity.
Be and feel blessed with lavish, abundant prosperity NOW and always.
Feel how easy it is now for you to manifest lavish, abundant amounts of money and prosperity in your life.
See yourself receiving and with and happily circulating lavish, abundant prosperity.
Be thrilled with your innate, God given prosperity.
It feels so good to have money and lavish, abundant prosperity NOW...bringing it from the inside out to easy manifestation in the physical...spirit made manifest.  YOU...becoming and being the Master of Energy Artist you were created to be and were always meant to be.

You are the glory of Divine Love Intelligence in perfect expression in body, mind, emotion and spirit NOW and in every present moment of NOW.  Feel worthy of all of it.  Be at peace with it.  See it.  Feel it.  Affirm it.  Know it.  Love it.  Appreciate it.  Live it.  Enjoy wealthy,!

You are the Glory of God in perfect expression in body, mind, emotion and spirit.  You are so loved.  So blessed.  So valued.  So celebrated.  So unique.  So amazing.  So magnificent.  So cherished.  So honored.  So beautiful.  So radiant.  So brilliant.  So appreciated by all that is.

Go forth and prosper.

Buena Fortuna!

Remember: this present moment is a new moment filled with all possibilities and potential for you to think/feel/be/do differently than you ever have before.  Become the master of energy artist, the co-creator with the Divine, which you are in Truth every moment.

***"Perhaps prayer is not an act of overcoming God's reluctance, but is an active acceptance of Divine Love Intelligence's highest willingness."  Science of Mind

HINT:  As you read this, especially the part below what "Right of Consciousness Knowledge" is, feel like what you are reading is really true about who you are right now (and in fact, if you would see you the way Divine Love Intelligence sees you, you would know this is True about you right now in this and every present moment).  There is so much creating power in feeling like you are already what you desire to be true for you in your physical experience.

Why restoration and not healing?

It is the belief of your Clear Light Practitioner, me, Lori Bjork, and part of the awareness I wish to embody personally and spread...dare I say most likely what will become what turns everything upside down in our physical experience...that we were not born sinners in need of healing.  NO!

It is my belief that we are created in the image and endowed with all of the abilities of our Divine Creator.  This means we are impeccable.  We are perfect.  Always!  Always!  Always!

Who we are is like the hardware and software of the most amazing computer able to create anything we can imagine.  All possibilities.  This who we are never changes.  This who we are is always perfect.  The hardware and software of a computer creates nothing on its own without use and direction.  Thus, this who we are needs to not be confused with what we create and experience as a result of our direction to our perfect spiritual self via our physical, mental and emotional self.  What we do.

Get it?  Be Who You Are, which is perfect and doesn't change.  Do what you want?  Which is what you create; ever changing and unlimited with all possibilities.  Or to quote that Hall and Oates song title, "Do What You Want, Be Who You Are".

Thus, Clear Light doesn't seek to "heal" what is impeccable, pure, pristine and always perfect...who you are?  Technically, this is impossible.  Clear Light restores your vibration more to one of Divine Truth to help you let go of seeing and/or confusing yourself with who you are and what you do/have created in your physical life for you enjoyment.

Remember, when you see, know, understand your self as the truth of your being with nothing to heal...this is how you will experience yourself in the physical.  Having a consciousness of nothing to heal, all need for healing will fall away from your experience.  Then you are free to use your consciousness to create what you would love to create and experience in your physical world.

Remember, you are a spiritual being first and foremost.  In fact all is spiritual energy just in different form, whether mental, emotional or physical.  You are a spiritual being having temporary human experiences.  Change your beliefs, change your emotions, change your vibration and your physical experiences must change.

Now...How would you love your life to be?


This is my first blog post for this blog.  Whoo hoo!